Friday, November 1, 2013

Insane Love

The month of October has been pretty quiet. I am loving my schedule and  the ministry is going well. I am getting to spend so much time with the college boys, it is great. GOD is continuing to change and teach me. 

However, now that October is over, things are about to change. I currently have two more weeks here in India. It seems like everything I do is a last time for something. I am very excited for the team from Wichita to arrive in a couple of days. I will get some much needed guy time. There is a huge pastors conference here in Salem from the 5th to the 7th. We will host over 800 pastors from around Southern India. I am so excited to be a part of it and to learn from everybody there. Yesterday was my last time at the Pallipatty School.

Every Thursday for the last 3 months, Hanah, my fellow intern, and I have traveled to teach at a school in a village called Pallipatty. This experience has been amazing. The children are the most energetic kids I have ever seen. The cuteness of these kids is off the charts. They know little english, but they make up for it by communicating with their big brown eyes and their tiny little hands.

    The second we arrive we are attacked by many many hugs! The whole day, they just want to be around us. They call me "Sir" or "Nathan Sir", so that is what I hear them chirp all day long. They love to cling to any part of my body they can get a hold of. They showed me a new form of love that I thought I knew, but I don't think I really understood until my last day with them yesterday. It is a love that I don't even think I can put into words.However, I will try. They love in a way that can even become irritating by the end of the day. It is a complete undeserved and unconditional love. It is undeserved because, to be honest, I have never done anything to earn these kids' love. I am just a teacher for them, yet they clearly see me as so much more. They see me as a hero to them, though I have done nothing to deserve that title. Their love in unconditional, because I don't think it ever would have mattered to them how I treated them, they loved me so much anyways. If I ever had to show discipline, they loved me anyways. If I ever arrived to school in a bad mood, they loved me anyways. If I ever got irritated with them clinging to me all day, they loved me anyways. They loved me not because of who I was, but simply because I was. Needless-to-say, I will miss these children. I had the privilege of teaching them once a week about English, songs, and Jesus. And I got the privilege of learning from them how to love someone with an insane love. A love that I hope will carry these children into eternity.

There is one more story that I must share. The woman to the left is namedKavitha. She is a teacher at this school. She is the only christian teacher that is there. Her and I shared this same insane love. Since day one, she has been a joy to work with. She enjoys laughing, and I enjoy making her laugh. I will miss her dearly. Everyday she prays with her students. She said that usually the students want to pray for Hanah and I. Well, I want you to pray for her. Although she is a follower of Christ, she does not believe she will make it to heaven, since there are so many people in the world that more "righteous" than her.Please pray that she can understand the grace of Jesus Christ. And that she can continue to teach it to these children.

Praise and Prayer Points:
  • Praise the Lord that the month of October went well, and that there was much change through hardship in myself, as well as the country of India.
  • Praise Him for the team that is arriving on the 3rd. I, along with many others, will be blessed by there presence
  • Please pray for the Pallipatty school. That all the beautiful children will trust in Jesus despite there Hindu upbringing.
  • Please Pray for Kavitha, that she may know the grace of Christ and that she will be empowered my the Spirit to bring that truth to the kids.
  • Please pray for the pastors conferences here in November. There is a big one here in Salem, as well as one in North India and Sri Lanka.

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